The honorable soldiers fighting in the Civil War not only endured the horrors of battle but also endured the hardships caused by disease and poor hygiene. Sweaty, dirty, and tired, they were unable to bathe regularly and if they did bathe, it was probably cold water since they didn’t have water heaters in those days. In that time period, they also didn’t have water filters to purify their water, which contributed to the deadly diseases and discomforts they experienced. In fact, for each soldier who died in battle, there were two soldiers who died of disease.
Memorial Day is a federal holiday that remembers not only the soldiers who died in the Civil War but also all the male and female soldiers who have died in all of our country’s wars. It’s important to us that we are reminded of the sacrifices made and that we remember the men and women who died protecting our country. Far too often, these brave men and women are forgotten instead of given the honor they deserve.
How Memorial Day Started
Memorial Day was once called Decoration Day. General John A. Logan, who led a Union veterans group, called for soldiers to be honored with flowers and decorations on the graves of soldiers who died in the Civil War.
He ordered the observance on May 30th, 1868, and hoped it would be “kept up from year to year while a survivor of the war remains to honor the memory of his departed comrades.”
From then on, soldiers were remembered yearly and their graves were decorated with flowers, flags, and wreaths. Since 1967, the holiday has officially been called “Memorial Day.”
Honoring the Armed Forces
Memorial Day gives people the opportunity to remember all of the soldiers who have died protecting our country for hundreds of years. Without these soldiers, we wouldn’t be living in a democratic country today.
For all we know, we could be under a dictatorship by now instead of a free democracy if not for our armed forces.
Imagine living in a country where you can’t have more than one child or a country where you could be thrown into jail for criticizing politicians. Thinking about how bad things could be, makes us more grateful for the sacrifices our soldiers have made.
From Cellino Plumbing, Heating & Cooling to You: Thank You
At Cellino Plumbing, Heating & Cooling HVAC we are feeling grateful for our veterans, veteran customers, and civilian customers. We enjoy the freedom of owning a business and living in a great country.
We thank everyone for their continued loyalty and for allowing us to service your homes and businesses for all your plumbing needs. We hope all of our valued clients will enjoy Memorial Day by remembering those who have died to protect our country and ensure our freedom.
Whether you are spending the weekend honoring veterans at a parade or having a barbeque with your loved ones, make sure to stop and let someone else know why Memorial Day should be important to each and every one of us.