When it Comes to Protection From Unclean Water, Your Plumber is a Superhero
When you picture a superhero, you may think about caped crusaders fighting crime. There are superheroes in street clothes in your community here in Buffalo, NY, like your trusted plumber.
You need clean water to sustain life, right? Plumbers help to protect your family’s health by making sure that you’ve got access to clean water. They are also superheroes for the planet because of how they help with water conservation.
Your Plumber: the Water Conservation Hero
Want to slash water waste in your home? Call your plumber to come and fix your plumbing leaks. According to the EPA, plumbing leaks waste 10,000 gallons of water a year. Those small drips add up to a lot.
While he is there, ask about how eco-friendly plumbing fixtures can reduce your water use. A low flow shower uses a fraction of the water that traditional showers do.
A dual flush toilet lets you decide how much water you need to flush. Motion sensor faucets are much more efficient with water than regular taps. Change your own water habits. Shower instead of bathing. While you are waiting for the shower to heat up, collect water in a bucket and use it to flush to toilet. When cooking, only use a small amount of water to boil pasta. Reserve liquid to water plants.
Health Risks with Water Contamination
Consuming unclean water can make you sick within 24 to 48 hours. Young children, the elderly and people with suppressed immune systems are more vulnerable. It’s sometimes hard to detect unclean water because it is tasteless, colorless and odorless.
Some common illness that you can contract after drinking contaminated water are E. coli, Giardiasis, salmonella and dysentery.
How Your Plumber Provides Clean Water for All
Most water contamination happens right at the source, but that isn’t always the case.
As an extra safeguard, have your plumber install a water filtration system. You eliminate the need for plastic water bottles. You can select a system that keeps the “good” minerals in the water and removes the “bad” ones. Your water’s chemical composition will depend on the water where you live.
Another risk to your water is your pipes. If you have old pipes, they may have lead in them, which means that you are at risk for lead poisoning via your water. To remedy this, have your superhero plumber install PVC pipes. They last longer, are less likely to corrode and will greatly reduce the chance of having lead in your family’s water.