Useful Tips for Having Fun in the Summer While Conserving Water
With the summer season now in full swing and temperatures rising across the region, you’re likely considering many outdoor activities to enjoy with your family. However, it’s also important to consider your water use.
Water resources are dwindling throughout the United States and conservation is now important to help protect our natural resources.
Backyard Water Baseball
Switch out the baseball for water-soaked sponge balls, and you have a recipe for a fun game of water baseball this summer season. With each smack of the ball, the sponge will release a spray of water to keep all players cool and for a fun and memorable summer activity.
And remember during dry periods, you can water the grass and flowers while you play. This is a practical way to enjoy time outdoors with loved ones.
Water Balloon Piñata
While water balloon fights can lead to hundreds of gallons of water being wasted, kids can enjoy playing with a water piñata with only a few gallons of water used. You can fill the balloon up to about the halfway point to minimize the waste, then tie the balloon with string in the backyard.
You can then invite your kids and their friends to try and burst the balloon with a bat or stick. For a great environmentally-friendly approach to the game, you can also play in the sprinklers and catch water to be used in the balloon.
Water Balloon Egg and Spoon Races
Using half-filled water balloons, you can also enjoy water balloon egg and spoon races.
Simply have a few kids line up and then pick out a finish line for the race. Then give them a spoon along with a small water balloon to hold on the spoon until they get to the finish line. The first to get the end without dropping their water balloon wins.
By enjoying the highlighted activities this summer, you can minimize the amount of water resources your family uses while playing outdoors!